Convert cryptocurrency
It is that simple
Anycoin is the most powerful and easy-to-use currency and cryptocurrency live exchange rate converter app. It supports thousands of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and more than one hundred currencies from all around the world!
Anycoin is the only cryptoconverter app that offers rates for all the coins, DeFi tokens, blockchain projects and ecosystems issued on the market.

Convert cryptocurrency
It is that simple
Anycoin is the most powerful and easy-to-use currency and cryptocurrency live exchange rate converter app. It supports thousands of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and more than one hundred currencies from all around the world!
Anycoin is the only cryptoconverter app that offers rates for all the coins, DeFi tokens, blockchain projects and ecosystems issued on the market.

The best part? IT'S FREE.
Real-time updates for every exchange rate. The best accuracy on the market. Insert your preferred amount in the built in calculator and view the results for multiple currencies and cryptocurrencies at a glance, you can also add, subtract, divide and multiply as much as you want. Quickly calculate prices in seconds! Monitor up to 30 currencies and cryptocurrencies of your choice! Do you want to know how much is a bitcoin in dollars or maybe it’s yuan? No matter if you are a shopper, a trader, an investor, a miner or just passionate about new technologies and financial markets Anycoin will help you in your decentralized finance journey.

The best part? IT'S FREE.
Real-time updates for every exchange rate. The best accuracy on the market. Insert your preferred amount in the built in calculator and view the results for multiple currencies and cryptocurrencies at a glance, you can also add, subtract, divide and multiply as much as you want. Quickly calculate prices in seconds! Monitor up to 30 currencies and cryptocurrencies of your choice! Do you want to know how much is a bitcoin in dollars or maybe it’s yuan? No matter if you are a shopper, a trader, an investor, a miner or just passionate about new technologies and financial markets Anycoin will help you in your decentralized finance journey.


Easy to use

3000+ Cryptocurrencies
100+ Currencies

Built-in Calculator

Dark Mode
Easy to use
3000+ Cryptocurrencies
100+ Currencies
Built-in Calculator
Dark Mode

Up to 8 decimal digits

Multiple conversions at once

Works offline

Single exchange selection

Real-time updates